Roman Coins About Britain - Septimius Severus, Caracalla, and Geta - Profectio Types

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The three emperors issued a large number of military type coins, where the emperor is seen in full armour on a horse or in a chariot, sometimes with a soldier, sometimes with a captive, and sometimes killing a foe. All of these coins minted in the 208 to 211 AD timeframe are implicitly related to the campaigns in Britain, but we’ll focus on the sub-set which have PROF in the legend. PROF is short for Profectio which was used when the emperor was leaving for war.

Septimius Severus minted two coins and a medallion of this type in 208 AD, but Caracalla minted this type of coin in both 208 AD and 209 AD. His coins have six reverse types and fifteen denomination-and-legend variations, which is in keeping with his character. As Geta was a Caesar and not an Augustus, he didn’t mint any coins of this type.

The coins can be interpreted in a number of different ways, and I’ve been unable to find anything that conclusively proves or disproves any of these scenarios:

  1. All coins are for the emperors leaving Rome in 208 AD
  2. The coins represent the emperors leaving Rome in 208 AD and York in 209 AD
  3. The coins represent the emperors leaving York in 208 AD and York in 209 AD

In conjunction with any of the above, Caracalla may or may not have lead a solo campaign in 208 AD which he celebrated on the coins.

I’ve written an article that goes into these coins in more depth, explaining how these scenarios are derived. Regardless of why the various types were minted, here they are.

Type 1: Emperor on Horse Riding Right

RIC 4 107 (Denarius)

Photo Copyright Classical Numismatic Group, LLC. Auction 72 lot 1575. Sold for $300 + fees

Emperor208 AD209 AD
Septimius Severus  
Caracalla PROFRIC 4 107 Denarius 
Caracalla PROF AVGGRIC 4 432 Sestertius 

Type 2: Emperor on Horse Riding Right, With Soldier in Front

RIC 4 107 var (Denarius)
Photo Copyright Classical Numismatic Group, LLC. Sold for $195
Emperor208 AD209 AD
Septimius SeverusRIC 4 225a Denarius 
Caracalla PROFRIC 4 107 var Denarius 
Caracalla PROF AVGG  

Type 3: Emperor on Horse Riding Right, with Soldier in Front and Soldier Behind

Emperor208 AD209 AD
Septimius Severus  
Caracalla PROF  
Caracalla PROF AVGG RIC 4 445 Sestertius

Type 4: Emperor on Horse Riding Right, with Soldier in Front and Two Soldiers Behind

Emperor208 AD209 AD
Septimius SeverusRIC 4 780 Sestertius 
Caracalla PROF  
Caracalla PROF AVGGRIC 4 433 Sestertius 

Type 5: Emperor on Horse Riding Right, with Fallen Foe in Front

RIC 4 108 Denarius
Photo Copyright Classical Numismatic Group, LLC. Sold for $175
Emperor208 AD209 AD
Septimius Severus  
Caracalla PROFRIC 4 108 Denarius 
Caracalla PROF AVGGRIC 4 440 AsRIC 4 446 Dupondius

Type 6: Emperor on Horse Riding Left, with Fallen Foe in Front

Emperor208 AD209 AD
Septimius Severus  
Caracalla PROFRIC 4 439 As (See note) 
Caracalla PROF AVGGRIC 4 431 Sestertius
RIC 4 438 As
RIC 4 449A As
RIC 4 449B As

Note that RIC 4 439 is the only bronze coin without AVGG on it. It is marked in RIC 4 with “C.517 (rev. legend ?)”, suggesting Cohen just made a mistake cataloguing it. It has not been possible to find an example to determine what the legend is.

Type 7: Three Emperors on horses riding right, with soldier in front and two soldiers behind

This medallion is in the Vatican’s collection and no photo is available. A photo of a cast can be seen here.

Emperor208 AD209 AD
Septimius SeverusNot in RIC 
Caracalla PROF  
Caracalla PROF AVGG  

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