Getting Started with Celtic Coins - References

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Getting Started with Celtic Coins

This section is an alphabetical list of references you are likely to see when looking at Celtic coins in auctions, books and dealer sites.

BnBibliothèque Nationale de France
Castelin“Die Goldpragung der Kelten in der Böhmischen Ländern” by Castelin Castelin
CCCBM I“Catalogue of Celtic Coins in the British Museum. Silver Coins of the East Celts and Balkan Peoples. Volume I” by Derek Allen
CdB“Les Monnaies Gauloises des Parisii” by Colbert de Beaulieu
CHIIAB“Coin Hoards in Iron Age Britain” by Philip de Jersey
CAPIIAB“Coins and Power in Late Iron Age Britain” by John Creighton
Delestrée“Nouvel Atlas des Monnaies Gauloises” by Louis-Pol Delestrée and Marcel Tache
This comes in a set of 4 books, but the actual book being referenced isn’t normally specified:

  1. “Nouvel Atlas des Monnaies Gauloises : I, De la Seine au Rhin” by Louis-Pol Delestrée and Marcel Tache
  2. “Nouvel Atlas des Monnaies Gauloises : II, De la Seine à la Loire moyenne” by Louis-Pol Delestrée and Marcel Tache
  3. “Nouvel Atlas des Monnaies Gauloises : III, La Celtique, du Jura et des Alpes à la façade atlantique” by Louis-Pol Delestrée and Marcel Tache
  4. “Nouvel Atlas des Monnaies Gauloises : IV, Supplément aux tomes I-II-III” by Louis-Pol Delestrée and Marcel Tache
Dembski“Münzen der Kelten (Sammlungskataloge des Kunsthistorischen Museums)” by Günther Dembski
DK“Divided Kingdoms: The Iron Age Gold Coinage of Southern England” by Dr. John Sills
“Nouvel Atlas des Monnaies Gauloises” by Louis-Pol Delestrée and Marcel Tache
This comes in a set of 4 books, but the actual book being referenced isn’t normally specified:

  1. “Nouvel Atlas des Monnaies Gauloises : I, De la Seine au Rhin” by Louis-Pol Delestrée and Marcel Tache
  2. “Nouvel Atlas des Monnaies Gauloises : II, De la Seine à la Loire moyenne” by Louis-Pol Delestrée and Marcel Tache
  3. “Nouvel Atlas des Monnaies Gauloises : III, La Celtique, du Jura et des Alpes à la façade atlantique” by Louis-Pol Delestrée and Marcel Tache
  4. “Nouvel Atlas des Monnaies Gauloises : IV, Supplément aux tomes I-II-III” by Louis-Pol Delestrée and Marcel Tache
Göbl OTA
“Ostkeltischer Typen Atlas” by Robert Göbl
KMW“Münzen der Kelten (Sammlungskataloge des Kunsthistorischen Museums)” by Günther Dembski
Kostial“Kelten im Osten. Gold und Silber der Kelten in Mittel und Osteuropa. Sammlung Lanz” by Michaela Kostial
Lanz“Kelten im Osten. Gold und Silber der Kelten in Mittel und Osteuropa. Sammlung Lanz” by Michaela Kostial
Lukanc“Les imitations des monnaies d'Alexandre le Grand et de Thasos” by Ivo Lukanc
La Tour
“Atlas des Monnaies Gauloises” by Henri de la Tour
OTA“Ostkeltischer Typen Atlas” by Robert Göbl
Paulsen“Die Munzpragungen der Boier” by Rudolf Paulsen
Pink“Münzprägung der Ostkelten und Ihrer Nachbarn” by Karl Pink
Scheers“La Gaule Belgique - Traité De Numismatique Celtique” by Simone Scheers
SillsThis is either
“Gaulish and Early British Gold Coinage” by Dr. John Sills
“Divided Kingdoms: The Iron Age Gold Coinage of Southern England” by Dr. John Sills
Sills 2003“Gaulish and Early British Gold Coinage” by Dr. John Sills
Sills 2017“Divided Kingdoms: The Iron Age Gold Coinage of Southern England” by Dr. John Sills
Tour“Atlas des Monnaies Gauloises” by Henri de la Tour

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