

Most coins in the range 6.07g to 6.32g. One (CCI-610385) is 4.11g and possibly plated.

There are 16 class 1 coins recorded, 9 of which are in museums, and one class 2 coin which is in a private collection.

The three-pronged item on the obverse can be seen on the reverse of ABC 767 (Hampshire Thunderbolt) and British Da2 (Curdridge Triad). The bell shaped object on the obverse can be seen on a range of quarter staters, such as the Hampshire Thunderbolt (ABC 767), British Da2 (Curdridge Triad), Sills Insular Cf (ABC 530), Phallic Geometric (ABC 533), British Aa2, Westerham Geometric (ABC 2451), and Westerham Reversed L (ABC 2454).

This coin lends weight to the theory that some Celtic coin designs were derived from trance imagery.

This is a composite of three seperate coins which are Copyright © Trustees of the British Museum (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)







Obverse Legend

No Legend

Obverse Description

Typical Celtic degraded head of Apollo, but with a missing face. Instead, the hairbar ends with a three pronged object in the nose area, below which a crescent has three claw like crescents hanging from it. Above the three pronged "nose", to the right, is a bell shaped object

Reverse Legend

No Legend

Reverse Description

Class 1: Yarmouth Right

Right facing horse with a tail ending with three crescents, each one ending in a pellet. The forelegs are formed by a six bladed windmill motif with a pellet centre. Two arms are parallel, forming the horse's forelegs. The lower arm of the windmill (the horse's foot) is a three toed claw. The segment between the upper right arms has a pellet triad, and the one below has an undeterministic object.

There are nine bold pellets above and three below the horse.

Above the horses tail is an object that's possibly a lyre (best seen on CCI-680834 and CR 160 lot 9.jpg).

The exergue is formed of two parallel lines, joined by alternating diagonal lines. Between the diagonal lines are single pellets.

Class 2: Yarmouth Left

Similar to class 1 except that the horse faces left, the tail changes to a four-armed spiral, and the three toed claw on the "windmill" is now a seperate element. Only one example is known






4.11g to 6.65g


55 BC to 45 BC


  1. ABC 518
  2. DK 177
  3. Van Arsdell 1220
  4. BMC 78 - 85
  5. Spink 23
  6. Made for Trade-


Photo Notes

6.65g. Right Type

  1. 2005: CCI-05.0379

Photo Copyright Oxford University & The Portable Antiquities Scheme (CC BY-SA 4.0)

6.32g. BMC 80

  1. 1968: CCI-68.0831. In the British Museum
  2. 1919: Donated to the British Museum by Sir John Evans
  3. 1867: Discovered in the Yarmouth hoard

Photo Copyright Oxford University & The Portable Antiquities Scheme (CC BY-SA 4.0)

6.24g. BMC 81

  1. 1968: CCI-68.0837. In the British Museum
  2. 1868: Purchased by the British Museum from Wheler
  3. 1867: Discovered in the Yarmouth hoard

Permission to use the photograph was denied, but you can see it if you click here.


  1. 13-SEPT-2018: Chris Rudd List 160, Lot 9. Sold for £3,600 + fees (£4,380)
  2. 2008: CCI 08.9535

Photo Copyright Oxford University & The Portable Antiquities Scheme (CC BY-SA 4.0)

6.21g. BMC 85

  1. 1968: CCI-68.0832. In the British Museum
  2. 1868: Aquired by the British Museum from Sir John Evans
  3. 1867: Discovered in the Yarmouth hoard

Photo Copyright Oxford University & The Portable Antiquities Scheme (CC BY-SA 4.0)

6.21g. BMC 83

  1. 1968: CCI-68.0833. In the British Museum
  2. 1868: Aquired by the British Museum from Sir John Evans
  3. 1867: Discovered in the Yarmouth hoard

Photo Copyright Oxford University & The Portable Antiquities Scheme (CC BY-SA 4.0)


  1. 1995: CCI-95.0800

Photo Copyright Oxford University & The Portable Antiquities Scheme (CC BY-SA 4.0)


  1. MAY-2012: Chris Rudd List 124 number 12. Sold for £3,400 + Fees
  2. 05-OCT-2009: DNW Lot 5118. Sold for £2,500 + Fees
  3. MAY-2004: Chris Rudd List 75, number 28. Sold for £2,000
  4. 2003: CCI-03.0440
  5. 14-APR-2003: A. Breton Collection (formed c. 1950-66), Calmels Cohen Auction (Paris), 14 April 2003, lot 3003

Photo Copyright Oxford University & The Portable Antiquities Scheme (CC BY-SA 4.0)

6.15g. BMC 84

  1. 1968: CCI-68.0834. In the British Museum
  2. 1919: Donated to the British Museum by Sir John Evans
  3. 1867: Discovered in the Yarmouth hoard

Photo Copyright Oxford University & The Portable Antiquities Scheme (CC BY-SA 4.0)


  1. 1966: CCI-66.0276. In the Ashmolean Museum
  2. 1867: Discovered in the Yarmouth hoard

Photo Copyright Oxford University & The Portable Antiquities Scheme (CC BY-SA 4.0)

6.14g. BMC 78

  1. 1968: CCI-68.0838. In the British Museum
  2. 1867 or later: Aquired by the British Museum
  3. 1867: Discovered in the Yarmouth hoard

Photo Copyright Oxford University & The Portable Antiquities Scheme (CC BY-SA 4.0)

6.12g. BMC 82

  1. 1968: CCI-68.0835. In the British Museum
  2. 1919: Donated to the British Museum by Sir John Evans
  3. 1867: Discovered in the Yarmouth hoard


  1. 2016: CCI-16.0687

Photo Copyright Oxford University & The Portable Antiquities Scheme (CC BY-SA 4.0)

6.07g. BMC 79

  1. 1968: CCI-68.0836. In the British Museum
  2. 1935 Bequeathed to the British Museum by Thomas G Barnett
  3. 1867: Discovered in the Yarmouth hoard

Photo Copyright Oxford University & The Portable Antiquities Scheme (CC BY-SA 4.0)

Unknown Weight

  1. 1994: CCI-94.1224
  2. 1994: Discovered

Photo Copyright Oxford University & The Portable Antiquities Scheme (CC BY-SA 4.0)

4.11g. Low weight - possibly plated.

  1. 1961: CCI-61.0385